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Features of Nailsoftheday NailPrep:

- dehydrates the surface of the nail plate, ensuring maximum adhesion;

- Effectively removes dirt, dust, talcum powder, and fat and remover residues;

- has an antiseptic effect, prevents the development of bacteria and fungal infections;

- removes dirt;

- removes moisture and grease;

- easy to use;

- double control of the lid (a unique combination of lid and pump; the pump provides convenient control over the application of the liquid, preventing it from evaporating, thanks to the ability to adjust the pressure and closure).


How to use: apply the product on a lint-free napkin and go over the nail plate well, going into the side rollers and cuticle area to remove the smallest dust particles, remover/cream residues. Once the nail plate has turned white, it means that the nails are ready for NAILSOFTHEDAY DEHYDRATOR application.

The NailPrep shade demonstrates its activity in work: while the napkin is gently green, it degreases completely. As soon as the napkin becomes discolored, the solvents have evaporated.